Custom Foot Orthotics

Your Source for Custom Orthotics in Tustin

At Milam Chiropractic and Sports Therapy in Tustin, we provide custom orthotics to patients in need. Many people who could benefit from custom orthotics have little or no knowledge of what a custom orthotic is or that they could be a good candidate for a custom orthotic device. We perform orthotic evaluations for patients suffering from a variety of conditions, including Plantar Fasciitis, ankle pain and knee pain, to help them avoid injury, recover from pain and find comfort in daily life.

Custom Orthotics from Your Tustin, Santa Ana & Irvine Chiropractor

Sole Supports Custom orthotics are custom-made shoe inserts designed to fit on the foot of an individual with foot pain or foot problems. Custom orthotics work better than over-the-counter options because they're designed to fit around the individual's body. The inserts are designed to accommodate the natural movement of the patients foot, making corrections and providing support where needed.  These type of orthotics are called Functional Orthotics.

Orthotics are made with computer technology using three-dimensional images. These computer-generated images are made by a trained professional. Before custom orthotics can be produced, an assessment of the patient's condition and of the patient's feet must be completed. Once this is done, the orthotics can be made.

Treating a Range of Conditions

Custom orthotics are designed to treat patients suffering from a range of conditions, including:

  • Bursitis
  • Flat feet
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Tendinitis

Even patients who are suffering from general foot pain and ankle pain may benefit from custom orthotics. However, these patients must first come in for a diagnosis and foot assessment before it can be determined for sure whether or not custom orthotics are right for them.

Advantages of Custom Orthotics

  • Increased support - Orthotics are designed to provide patients with the support they need in the weaker parts of their feet and ankles.
  • Lower chances of injury - Custom orthotics help patients achieve better coordination and balance. This can make it less likely that the patient will fall and become injured.
  • Improved pain management - People typically seek custom orthotics because they're in pain. Custom orthotics allow patients to get the pain relief they need without requiring a prescription for an addictive medication or invasive surgery. This type of natural care is preferable for many patients. While surgeries must be followed by a recovery time and pain medications can have an impact on the patient's judgment, custom orthotics have none of these effects. Santa Ana orthotics are a safe, natural solution for patients in need.

Contact Milam Chiropractic and Sports Therapy for Sole Support Orthotics

At Milam Chiropractic and Sports Therapy, we are certified and trained to provide custom, Functional orthotics for patients with foot trouble. Whether you have foot pain because of flat arches, because of an injury or due to a chronic condition, we'll get you the treatment you need in order to feel better and walk right. To find out more or to make an appointment for assessment and treatment, contact us today at . For an even faster response, TEXT a request to 714-886-9355.

Milam Chiropractic


161 Fashion Ln #114,
Tustin, CA 92780




8:30 am - 7:00 pm




8:30 am - 1:00 pm


8:30 am - 6:30 pm


8:30 am - 1:30 pm



